Weightloss Pictures

F/50/5’4″ [221.7lbs >143.5lbs = 78.2lbs] I blew past my goal weight of 145lbs in 7 months but lost 72lbs of it in 6 months with Fasting, Low Carb, Working Out, Increasing my NEAT and getting adequate quality SLEEP. Anything is possible if I could achieve this still going through perimenopause.

F/50/5'4" [221.7lbs >143.5lbs = 78.2lbs] I blew past my goal weight of 145lbs in 7 months but lost 72lbs of it in 6 months with Fasting, Low Carb, Working Out, Increasing my NEAT and getting adequate quality SLEEP. Anything is possible if I could achieve this still going through perimenopause.

F/50/5’4″ [221.7lbs >143.5lbs = 78.2lbs] I blew past my goal weight of 145lbs in 7 months but lost 72lbs of it in 6 months with Fasting, Low Carb, Working Out, Increasing my NEAT and getting adequate quality SLEEP. Anything is possible if I could achieve this still going through perimenopause.

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