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How To Remove A Mole With Natural and Cosmetic Remedies

There are known practices about the safest and cheapest way to remove moles as well as expensive complex procedures on how to treat them. Moles are unpleasant dark spots on the skin inherited since birth or due to abnormal skin pigmentation or too much exposure to the sun.

How to remove it the natural way is preferred by most who cannot afford the expensive cost of treatment. Mole wart removal through a medical approach is preferred by few who are covered by their Insurance or are simply too rich to spend a lot of money.

The causes why it appear to determine the procedures on how to remove mole effectively. Cancerous moles are not recommended for natural treatment. Professional help is needed with malignant tendencies and it is often associated with radiation sessions to kill malignant growth of cells that are trying to spread all over the skin. Mole wart removal of this type is being practiced on congenital or dysplastic nevi (mole) that manifest signs of cancer.

People choose to remove their moles because they are self-conscious or it is already an irritant to their skin. Mole wart removal is important because it eliminates pre-cancerous moles to avoid further health risks. Though it is not an issue how it poses a threat to someone’s life is the main concern that must be fully addressed. Therefore choosing either natural or with professional treatment is necessary for early detection.

To remove the mole the natural way can be done by religiously applying sour apple juice to the mole three times every day for 21 days. Removal of this kind takes patience with the continuous application even if no improvement can be seen during the half period of treatment. A lighter and smaller mole should be noticed after three weeks of treatment. This is how to remove a mole with small black pigmentation.

Another natural popular practice on how to remove moles is by using baking soda and castor oil. Mix it both and apply it with a bandage three times a day. Castor oil as mole wart removal has powerful antiseptic properties that can drive off infection. An onion juice can also be used as a treatment by applying it once every day for 14-21 days. The mole should disappear after the end of treatment.

Dandelion plants are a natural healer that can also be considered as a mole wart removal. Cut the roots and rub them on your mole until its juices finally come out. How to remove mole through Aloe Vera has the same procedure but with a more effective outcome.

If you can afford a cosmetic treatment, there are three procedures to choose from on how to remove a mole: excision, laser, and cryosurgery. Surgery through excision means the mole will be separated from the skin through a series of cuts and stitches. Surgery through laser means burning the pigmented skin so that new skin is replaced. A mole wart removal through cryosurgery means using liquid nitrogen to freeze the pigmented skin until it finally falls off.

Scarring often results after mole wart removal procedures and laser therapy is the best known method on how to remove a mole without scarring or bleeding. Whether it is natural remedies or cosmetic treatment, knowledge of how to remove moles means an early move on your part to fight skin cancer.

Source by Mohd Rozaidi

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