Army Wife Demands To Be Saluted Unaware Of What That Means
A Good Run
As time went on, Margaret’s husband retired from the army, and they started a family.
She was still a part of the support group but had also found a new purpose in life.
She had always been proud of her husband, but now she was also proud of herself.
She had made a difference and found her place in the world.
Carrying The Torch
The support group continued to thrive, and it helped many military wives navigate the challenges of being married to a service member.
Margaret was proud of what she had accomplished and knew it would help many other women for years to come.
She even drafted a document that the chairperson would be changed every three years by democratic vote.
The women were pleased to hear this and knew they would get a chance if they qualified.
Continued Growth
It was a small gesture, but it greatly impacted the military community.
Margaret had shown that she was willing to make amends, and she had also shown that she was ready to help others.
She had indeed found her place in the military community and was the most loved of all the military wives.