Husband’s Sickening Lie Comes To Light After Mom Meets Long-Lost Relative
The One For Her
YouTube – Mr. Gains
Many spend their lives searching for The One. Some are blessed enough to find them early in life, and they know that nothing else compares to that feeling.
This causes bad habits to go unnoticed or ignored. Alicia found herself doing this and even encouraging the behavior unintentionally. It would already be too late when she realized what was happening right in front of her all along.
Living Well
Pexels – Kevin Bidwell
The family lived near the North Carolina coast in a small town, and they had built a good life for themselves there. Alicia was a wildlife consultant for the town’s marine flora, while Kenny worked as a mechanic.
As passionate as Kenny was about his job, it was not proving to be as successful as he’d have liked. The pandemic had taken over the world, so they weren’t surprised.
Working Hard
Pexels – Sergey Meshkov
Alicia supported her husband through his struggle with the business. She did what any loving wife would. But things would soon change when Kenny’s shop suddenly raked in large amounts of cash.
Alicia was proud of all the hard work her husband had put into his business, but she wasn’t aware of the truth behind the operations. What was he doing at the shop while she wasn’t there?
The Car Shop
Pexels – Artem Podrez
Criminal activities are mostly framed as businesses using physical money to hide any suspicious activity. These “businesses” could be fined up to $25,000, and they could be charged with 20 years in jail for fraud.
Kenny’s car shop was the perfect front for making cash like that. However, he never expected his past to catch up with him and expose what he’d been working so hard on.