Weightloss Pictures

M/32/6’0″ [256pbs>179lbs=77lbs lost] 5 months | quit fentanyl got back into boxing.

M/32/6’0″ [256pbs>179lbs=77lbs lost] 5 months | quit fentanyl got back into boxing.

Like the title says i had a rapid weight loss. Uncontrollavle at one point. My kidneys were shutting down due to my rampid drug use and i gained 38lbs of fluid from edema in under 8 months. I dropped the water weight the last 3 months of my using and burned a lot of fat too. I bought a sauna tent. And sauna suits and since i already had a home gym in my garage i insulated the garage and kwpt heaters out there. I would work out in 104°F every day. I dropped an average of 4 to 6lbs a day 80% of that was water weight. 20% was fat. Then i got off fentanyl 2 months ago and my detox was so severe and i was so dehydrated going into it i was checked into the hospital and kept on fluids without eating for 2 weeks. That burned off the remaining water weight. And after my detox it was time to start boxing again. I was 23-3-2 win i quit boxing 6 years ago. I havent had any fights yet but ive been in the gym every fricken day and i have never been in better spirits. Still have a long way to go but i did this in an literally unheard of speed so i think i can make it down to 165 at 6% body fat within a few months. The lbs are so much harder to shave off now. But every day i lose about ½lb to 2lbs. And i havent gained once. Cutting out sugar and carbs was the key to the 4th quarter. Monitoring calories is something i struggke with because im still dealing with nauseau from being off dope and i dont eat enough. But im proud of where im at. And if your a crazy MFer who thrives in pain and suffering you can do it too. Hope this helps someone.

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