Weightloss Pictures

M/33/5’4″ [167lbs > 142lbs = 25lbs] Weight loss progress

M/33/5’4″ [167lbs > 142lbs = 25lbs] Weight loss progress

A year ago, I endured a tremendously challenging emotional invent involving my long time partner. The event really put my life into focus, and made me realize that I had a lot of work to do with respect to my career, lifestyle, and future goals. In my attempt to reach some of those goals, I worked with a coach (my former martial arts instructor) to get my diet back on track and establish career related goals. Although my journey is not yet complete, the effects of getting my diet under control transcend the physical results you see here. I am more clear of thought, more confident, and love myself in a healthier way. I hope you all reach your goals, just stay consistent. It's worth it.

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