Weightloss Pictures

M/35/5’11” [415 lbs > 241 lbs = 174 lbs down] (8 years) Been a long journey, but almost at my goal.

M/35/5’11” [415 lbs > 241 lbs = 174 lbs down] (8 years) Been a long journey, but almost at my goal.

Just wanted to share my long journey with the community. 8 years ago I stepped on the scale and it read 415. I was disappointed with myself and knew I needed to make some changes. Cut out all my sugary sodas and got down to 350 after a year and a half. I never could get motivated enough to work out, just never was something that I could get motivated to do.

4 years ago I got sober from alcohol. A chirossis scare, along with my first child being born a few months after that, got me to quit. That helped me get down to the 310-320 range. Once I was there, I started to see the light. Then I started to keep in mind of what I was eating and how much. This got me down to the 265-275 range.

I was feeling pretty good. I knew that I was going to have to start being more active though, in order to reach my goal. No real workouts or anything, but you get a good amount of cardio in when you’ve got 3 kids running around the house. We had twins a year and a half ago, and that’s the activity that I needed.

When I saw the scale read 241 when I stepped on it yesterday, my jaw dropped. I never thought I’d get there. Seeing the difference side by side is crazy. The last 6 months I’ve been struggling to get below 255.

First pic is from Christmas Eve 2015, second pic is from yesterday and the last pic was a clean shaven comparison that I decided to do just to see how my face looked from February of this year to February of 2020.

GW is 220, so I’m getting close to the finish line.

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