Skincare Tips

Product Observation

Nowadays, people put little or no thought into buying of cosmetics for their skin, all they do is look for a specific function they want it to perform, and then they take it off the shelf, take it home and slather it on. They don’t think about the substance or anything the products they just bought contain, and even when they happen to react to the product they bought at some point they toss it out and get another one.

This same process is repeated once again without any special consideration as to what might have caused the reaction. Some people even go as far as not paying any attention to the expiry date or shelf life, and that means using it past the actual expiration time! Scary? I know.

If you have sensitive skin or you’ve been allergic to pollen or maybe your environment before, then there is a high chance that you will react to products containing certain substances, such as substances like paraben. The importance therefore of the knowledge of skincare products is essentially important. Some of the complications of using skin care products that one is allergic to are eczema, hives, rash, swelling, bumps, and contact dermatitis.

Products like parabens are contained in most skin care products in the market today; chances are you have owned a product that contained paraben, is not allergy tested, is comedogenic, and has no shelf life observation.
If the above has not got you thinking of being more conscious of the substances contained in your skincare products, then maybe dealing with the importance of having attention to the following topics in your skincare products will help.

Maybe the widespread use of parabens in cosmetics is something that can almost be referred to as an epidemic, as it can help prolong the shelf life of cosmetic products. Though in very rare instances parabens will cause skin irritation like; redness, breakouts, and even more. Parabens come in different types and protect against different microorganisms in our everyday skincare products.

So one might be allergic to a certain type of paraben, but not to the other. People like this usually stay away from all kinds of parabens to be on the safer side. Though parabens have been used for a long time, several rumors are going on about parabens. The major one is that it can cause cancer. Using anti-perspirants with parabens in them can start it to accumulate thereby causing breast cancer. This is more than enough reason to use the paraben-free product.

An allergy test can be done either as a skin test, a blood test, or an elimination diet. And they are usually done under the careful, constant supervision of a specialist who is trained in the best methods for treating and testing allergies. There is three (3) common method of allergy skin testing. The skin prick test, the scratch test, and the patch test. It is advisable for someone who reacts to different cosmetics and food as it can be pinpointed and avoided.

What does ‘comedogenic’ mean? The American Academy of Dermatology defined ‘comedo’ as an ‘acne Lesion,’ It is a hard blockage created from excess sebum in a pore. This blockage is what leads to pimples and acne and other skin problems most of the time. Comedogenic, in turn, refers to products that tend to block one’s pores and promote acne.
Non-comedogenic products, on the other hand, might not always prevent acne or pimples and other skin problems, they do not promote the production of excess sebum which in turn blocks the pores, and acne production increases.

Non-comedogenic products also reduce the production of excess oil, so if you have oily skin, it is advisable to stay away from comedogenic substances. Therefore, if you want clear skin, you should go for non-comedogenic products, products without it are in a lot of variety, e.g. moisturizers, cleansers, body lotions, creams, etc.


What is shelf life observation?

Firstly, a product can have a shelf life, wait a product always has a shelf life. The shelf life can be said to be the period that a product is deemed to be usable in a particular state and storage condition. But this is very different from an expiry date (because that is just a time stamp on a batch of products after making by the manufacturer). But the line of difference between the two is very thin, that is why it is very important to note it.

The expiry date is the time after which the potency of a product is reduced, and it may be less therapeutic to use, while shelf life is the time taken by the contents of a product to get reduced up to 90% or more. It is the maximum time for which products can be stored.

From the above, the importance of the use of paraben-free, non-comedogenic products, and also the observation of shelf life is made crystal clear and if you are looking for the best products that have all these qualities and more, Phyllite is the way to go as all our products are made with the best natural product and tested to ensure that you get the best result now and always.

Phyllite is a new brand by a dreamer woman who is Brazilian and lives in Canada she is trying to go through the challenge to build her own business to provide basic opportunity to raise your family.

Source by Sunamy Santana

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