Waitress Slips Note To Husband, Wife Shares It Online
Facebook – Jackie Johnson-Smith
“I have gotten many looks and stares, but tonight erases any negativity I have ever received. I ate at Fong’s for the first time tonight. Having a fussy baby, I nursed him for a while in the booth and eventually left the table early not to disrupt the restaurant,” Jackie’s Facebook post continued.
“The waitress gave this receipt to my husband. I was speechless and emotional.” So, what did the note say?
One Note Made The Difference
Public Domain
Bodi had been a waitress for a while. And through her years of service, she had seen how breastfeeding moms were treated. She understood their plight.
And it made her so mad that people judged women for wanting to feed their babies! So, when she saw how cool and calm Jackie was, she had to do something.