Health Tips

Allay Cancer With White Turmeric – Cucrcuma Zedoaria

Although it needs further research, people are sure that white turmeric (Curcuma zeodaria/Zedoariae Rhizoma) able to block cancer cell growth. In some cases, some literature has approved it. If you are interested to consume it, don’t be deceived by another turmeric variant that looks like Curcuma zedoaria, which its power is not efficacious as white turmeric against cancer disease.

People can be deceived, and think that Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxburgh) is turmeric. Because in some places, the Curcuma plant has been named as white turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria). In indonesia its named temu-lawak. It’s rhizome-like turmeric (Curcuma domestica or Curcuma longa), but a little bigger. If turmeric has a saffron color, Curcuma is colored yellow and tends to whitish after it is chopped and dried up.

The other Curcuma that being called wrongly white tumeric is temu mangga (Curcuma mangga). usually, many people use it for fever conditions (antipyretic), weight loss, irritancy, or asphyxia. And also frequently used to tighten a woman’s vagina after puerperal/childbirth.

There are greater galingale (kaempferol galanga) species that are thought as turmeric, its name is temu-kunci (kaempferol Angustifolia), which that able to be used for anti-diarrhea and anti-dysentery. And kunci-pepet tulen (Kaempheria rotunda) that usually used as an anti-inflammation, antipyretic and to arouse appetite.

So let us correct these terminology problems, that are complicated wrongly. The herb that we discussed is temu-mangga (Curcuma mangga) and its variant, white turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria). In herbal society, it is used to treat several stomach problems.

It turmeric has a whitish skin but you can find a pimple like a small potato around its root. Siri white turmeric is useful against cancer diseases: it has whitish skin, and its flesh color is creamy with mango aromatic. The fragrance and its taste are not bitter.

Accordion to Dr. Retno S. Sudibyo, a researcher of PAU Bio technology UGM, we can eat its fresh root to get its expedience against cancer. But don’t eat too much, because it can cause diarrhea if you’re not resistant.

Composition :

Both temu-mangga (curcuma mangga) and white turmeric(curcuma zeodaria) content of colorant yellow kurkumin (diarilheptanoid). The Encyclopedia of Medical Plands book said that curcumin has special qualities as antioxidant and anti-inflammation. their antioxidant content is stronger than vitamin E while their anti-inflammation content is stronger than chemical hydrocortisone/synthetic.

The volatile oil component from Curcuma zedoaria rimpangcontent of Guaian derifatives (Kurkumol, Kurkumenol, Isokurkumenol, Prokurkumenol, Kurkurnadiol), Germakran derivatives (Kurdion, Dehidrokurdion); Sesquiterpene furanoid with tradesman skeleton (Kurkolon). Germakran skeleton (Furanodienon, Isofuranodienon, Zederon, Furanodien, Furanogermenon); Eleman skeleton(Kurserenon identical with edoaron, Epikurserenon, Isofurano germacrene); Asam-4-metoksi sinamay (having the character of fungiStatic).

From other research, there are kurkumanolid A, kurleumanolid B, and kurkumenon found in cucrcuma zedoaria.

American Institute of Cancer report that cancer can be prevented using turmeric. the antioxidant inside Curcuma zedoaria is functioning to prevent deoksiribonuklead acid (gene composer) from damage. Gene damage is one of the cancer appearance factors.

Kurkumin with feruloyl and 4-hydroxy cinnamoyl is an anti-inflammation composite that is contained in turmeric rhizome. curcumin component is very beneficial against cancer, protect gene from damage, and anti-inflammation contemporaneously. Because in cancer disease case inflammation always happen.

Dr. Retno S. Sudibyo’s research (published by Tempo 30 mey 1999), gives some results that Curcuma mangga content of protein toxin, sejenis Ribosome in Activating protein (R.I.P). This is a sejenis that can deactivate ribosomes so that protein synthesis inside cells is hampered. It’s easily for this protein to penetrate cancer cells than to penetrate the healthy cell. It causes cancer cell can not proliferate because cancer cell has an age limit. At last, it will vanish automatically.

So the conclusions are:

R.I.P – block cancer growth, and will vanish automatically. The antioxidant content of curcumin protects from cell damage. Where gene damage is one of the cancer appearance factors. Their anti-inflammation content is useful to prevent inflammation that always tags along with cancer disease.

Source by Paris Novianto

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