Who’s thinking they’ll start or restart tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday. This is co…

Who’s thinking they’ll start or restart tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday. This is co…

Who’s thinking they’ll start or restart tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday. This is common on Sundays.

“I’ll start tomorrow” is classic procrastination. It’s deferring to tomorrow what we should be doing today. When tomorrow becomes today we again say “I’ll start tomorrow”. For some that tomorrow never comes.

Though relevant every day of the week, it’s especially easy to say on Sunday. Monday is a common target for token efforts to get active and eat healthy. We easily fall into this trap, trying for a few days only to fall off by the weekend. Often repeating the cycle.

Mondays are often busy and mentally draining. So they’re far from automatic sources of execution. If anything I enjoy weekend workouts because I usually have more time to make sure it’s done.

Be on guard for your own pattern of always pushing important things off until tomorrow. It’s in our nature.


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