Health Tips

Classic Symptoms of Omega 3 Deficiency

Before we get into the specific symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency, there are a few terms that you should be familiar with. They are EFAs that are known as essential fatty acids.

EPA’s eicosapentaenoic acids DHA’s docosahexaenoic acids, and ALA’s alpha-linolenic acids are Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are linoleic acid and arachidonic acids.

Omega 3 deficiencies occur because the American/European diets are excessively rich in Omega 6 and very low in Omega 3.

This imbalance creates the classic deficiency symptoms of Omega 3. These symptoms include Cancer, Arthritis, Obesity, Heart disease, Arthrosclerosis, and Diabetes. Studies have shown that supplementation with Omega 3 and reduced consumption of Omega 6 could prevent, treat, or reverse some of the health conditions mentioned above.

Another reason for the Omega 3 deficiency is the low levels of these fatty acids. Healthy fats have been replaced with cheap oils and transfats that are not digestible. The process used in making cooking oils, margarine, and shortening, also reduces Omega 3 acids.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fatty acids became abundant in diets to give more flavor and richness (gravies, sauces, salad dressings). Omega 3 is also negatively affected by sautéing, frying, and deep frying. EFAs (essential fatty acids) should come from food sources as well as fish oils.

There are a variety of classic symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency. Would you believe that excessive ear wax can be a symptom? Children and adults with ADHD, in various studies, have been found to have very low Omega 3 fatty acids.

Problematic/oppositional behaviors, inattention, learning problems, and other health conditions are symptoms of deficiency. These conditions include Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Arthrosclerosis, and heart disease. Dry hair, Dandruff, and dry skin have also been found in those with Omega 3 deficiencies.

The addition of Omega 3 fish oils can help to treat, prevent, or reverse ( ‘cure’ ) many of the health conditions. The best fish oil source for Omega 3’s is from the Hoki fish that is native to New Zealand. They are found in cold fresh water.

Pure supplements of Omega 3 fatty acids can be accomplished with a process called Molecular Distillation. This is a process whereby all contaminants and toxins are removed. This results in a safer and more potent supplement. Pharmaceutical-grade supplements are also the best choice. Talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist to find out where these supplements are available. Also, talk to your doctor about whether Omega 3’s are something you should consider.

Source by Jean Helmet

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