Weightloss Pictures

F/25/5’7” [248 lbs > 205 lbs = 43 lbs] (20 months) I’ve been losing weight very slowly and mostly steadily for awhile now, and as a lurker of over 2 years I am very excited to share my first progress picture. Today, I have finally noticed a slight difference in my appearance.

F/25/5’7” [248 lbs > 205 lbs = 43 lbs] (20 months) I’ve been losing weight very slowly and mostly steadily for awhile now, and as a lurker of over 2 years I am very excited to share my first progress picture. Today, I have finally noticed a slight difference in my appearance.

F/25/5’7” [248 lbs > 205 lbs = 43 lbs] (20 months) I’ve been losing weight very slowly and mostly steadily for awhile now, and as a lurker of over 2 years I am very excited to share my first progress picture. Today, I have finally noticed a slight difference in my appearance.

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