Weightloss Pictures

F/27/5’10” [228lbs > 198lbs = 30lbs] Weight loss progress

F/27/5’10” [228lbs > 198lbs = 30lbs] Weight loss progress

When I tell you losing weight this time around had been the most challenging experience of my life I really mean it.

I had been struggling with binge eating when I moved out on my own. I’m tall and have been pretty slim the majority of my 20’s – (185-190) which for me looks more like 170.

My weight distributes proportionately (thank goodness) so I’d been able to hide my weight gain pretty okay. I would lose 10 gain 10 lose 10 maybe throughout the years but had never gotten as big as I was. I gained 30 pounds literally in 6 months. I only become worried when I started having gas, acid reflux, skin flair ups, and legitimately could not fit in my clothes.

Losing weight/my weight became an obsessive thought pattern until I finally decided it was time to ACTUALLY do something about it – in a long term and healthy sustainable way.

I initially challenged myself to doing things I know I would be able to honor for 30 days.

1. Tracking my calories with myfitnesspal
2. Going to the gym 3x a week
3. Keeping my apple watch charged everyday to more properly track my steps

That was it, those were things I knew I could commit to. After 30 days I was down about 5 pounds – not bad. I really had to remind myself this time that *it was going to take some time to lose it* if I wanted to do it the right way and I had to be okay with it.

I kept this up since June. Incorporated more weights into my workouts and stopped consuming unnecessary calories – i.e. soda, chips especially & pastries. Now I go harder at the gym and make it more like 4-5 times a week. I also have a smaller breakfast and save my “bigger” meals for dinner before 8.

As you get older there are sooooo many moving pieces that make it harder to lose. Especially when your body has been accustomed to you being overweight it will resist. But please, if you’re starting or on a fitness journey remember that slow and steady wins the race!!!! If it took 6 months to put it on.. it very likely could take 12 to take it off.

Left pic is me at 228 pounds… right pic is me at 198.

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