
Nutritional Food

Every person, as well as other living things, needs food that is useful for life. The food that we eat our body needs to build, maintain shape, regulate metabolism, body fluid balance, body resistance against diseases, and maintain body temperature, as well as provide energy to drive the muscles.

“With a Vegetarian menu, people can get all the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy?” To answer these questions, then we need to know the necessary nutrients in our bodies first. After long research conducted by experts and health agencies internationally, as we often hear that the vegetarian menu is well planned to meet all the nutrients our body needs.

Nutrients we need for our body tissue are divided into five groups, namely carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, two types of food are not including water and oxygen. Water as the main solvent digestion of food will be transported throughout the body, and the oxygen required for the oxidation of food to produce energy.

A vegetarian should know how to get all the nutrients the body needs, ranging from carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals up, then it would be nice if we all, especially the new vegetarians or vegan will begin to learn to know exactly all the nutrients needed by our bodies. Among them know the function, nature, lack of symptoms, how to eat, and a source of nutrients that vegetarians are healthier than living with fleshy food penyantap.

It’s better animal foods and more nutrients containing high value and very useful for the interests of the body. But thanks to advances in science about health and medicine today, has been known in depth about the evils of meat. Many fleshy food side effects on human health in addition to their benefits, because the flesh contained the elements that cause disease and will eventually harm and endanger our bodies.

The fifth group of the basic nutrients, almost all of them consisting of organic substances derived from plants and animals, only mineral salts, water, and some other elements from the soil, which when separated, it is more or less consist of forty – three types of organic elements.

The important these are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, Iodium, and other elements. In general, there is no single food that contains all the elements in the full amount the body needs sufficiently.

Five groups of nutrients are broken down:

A. According to the amount required, nutrients are divided into 2 groups, namely:

1. Macro Nutrients: a lot of nutrients are needed, namely carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

2. Micro Nutrients: a few nutrients are needed, namely mineral salts and vitamins.

B. According to the function of the body, the nutrients are divided into three groups, namely:

1. Nutrient energy sources: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

2. Network-forming nutrients/builders of the body: the origin of protein, mineral salts, and water.

3. Nutrient regulator: derived from the protein, mineral salts and vitamins forming enzymes.

Among the five major groups of nutrients, forty kinds of nutrients can not be synthesized by our bodies, namely type 1 essential fatty acids, 15 kinds of vitamins, 14 kinds of minerals, and 10 kinds of amino acids. Knowledge is a very important nutrient for the vegetarian body to maintain health and prevent diseases caused by the fault of food, namely:

a. Malnutrition

b. Excess nutrients

c. Poisoning nutrition

In the more advanced societies today, the disease is often caused by excess and lack of nutrition.

Source by Rano Kartono

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