
Question EVERYTHING you’ve been told about Nutrition Plans and Exercise Routines

When I decided to create my ALLN-1 product line in June of 2016, I did so with the intent of disrupting the fitness industry. Not with the goal of creating a revolutionary product or discovering some innovative weight loss method, but rather, by doing something more radical and rarely seen in the fitness industry: Selling the TRUTH.

So part of that meant I didn’t want to use Before & After pictures of myself or fake models going from 20% body fat down to 3% body fat with a little waist and 6 pack, promoting “another” 90-day steroid fitness transformation or macro-fad diet (No, I don’t hold back punches either). Because while I could’ve done it, and have done it in the past, it’s not real.

Having been on both sides of the aisle at this point, I can easily say that I prefer living a balanced life that allows me to take vacations and cheat days, while still being dedicated to exercising, watching what I eat…and enjoying the benefits of having a bling, bling body. So, I modified my original TrainChange Fitness Strategy (it’s based around Low-Carb Nutrition and Body Typing) [Click Here to Download]. But in addition to being a fitness consultant, I’m also a very “OCD” software engineer that applies Lean/Six-Sigma principles to every aspect of my life, and because of that I know great strategies are made BETTER by refactoring them to be LESS COMPLEX, EASIER TO FOLLOW, while simultaneously becoming MORE EFFECTIVE over time, why(?)….because you’ve had an opportunity to LEARN more about the PROBLEM. So, with this new insight, I modified my original TrainChange Fitness Strategy into the new ALLN-1 Life Long Fitness implementation plan. This new strategy not only allowed me to burn fat without burning muscle—I actually GAINED LEAN MUSCLE while dieting. And if you’re familiar with the science of the dieting process you know that’s a GROUND BREAKING INNOVATIVE achievement! Because it essentially means that it’s EASIER to KEEP THE FAT FROM COMING BACK! In fact, after stabilizing around 245-250 lbs., at 43 years old, I gained new lean muscle which is why I didn’t end up with the typical EMACIATED and SUNKEN LOOK associated with dieting, and instead, losing the fat and gaining muscle made me look YOUNGER (well, at least in my opinion).

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