Weightloss Pictures

F/24/5’7” [260lbs > 170lbs = 90lbs] around July 2018 – May 2023. maintained at 180 for a few years but ready to start it up again! started biking and feeling good 💪🏻

F/24/5’7” [260lbs > 170lbs = 90lbs] around July 2018 – May 2023. maintained at 180 for a few years but ready to start it up again! started biking and feeling good 💪🏻

F/24/5’7” [260lbs > 170lbs = 90lbs] around July 2018 – May 2023. maintained at 180 for a few years but ready to start it up again! started biking and feeling good 💪🏻

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