Weightloss Pictures

M/24/5’6” [91 lb > 126 lb] After battling anorexia for 12+ years, I hit a low point in October and nearly lost my life, tried one last-ditch attempt to recover on my own after being told I wouldn’t make it til Christmas. I made it. (Left pic is October 2022, right pic is June 2023)

M/24/5’6” [91 lb > 126 lb] After battling anorexia for 12+ years, I hit a low point in October and nearly lost my life, tried one last-ditch attempt to recover on my own after being told I wouldn’t make it til Christmas. I made it. (Left pic is October 2022, right pic is June 2023)

I am a transgender man and haven’t been able to have top surgery, hence the edits across my chest. Few people know about my recovery, I don’t do much social media except for Reddit because I’m still very self/conscious, so posting this is a huge leap of faith but I am proud of having come this far because I truly didn’t think I’d make it. I didn’t have a ton of access to medical care, and if you’re struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help. Recovering without professional support is EXTREMELY risky, especially if you have numerous medical complications as I did, and I know I am lucky to still be alive. I could not leave my job to pursue inpatient care, and no outpatient places would accept me because of my low weight and medical complications. So I did it alone, because I didn’t want to die, and I was almost at that point. Recovery by any means is better than no recovery at all, but if you have access to medical or professional help, please utilize it! I couldn’t physically function enough to work in-person, but I knew two things: I wanted to work, and I wanted to live. I wanted to help others, and if I wasn’t strong enough yet to do that in-person, I wanted to use my voice. I started working for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988) and it helped me have a reason to keep myself healthy. Reddit has always seemed like a more “approachable” social media for me, and I don’t think I’d ever get the courage to post anything like this on Facebook or Instagram, but this feels anonymous enough. If my story can even provide hope for a single person out there, then it’ll have been worth the extreme anxiety of posting this. Thank you for reading my story.
*Please don’t harass me in the comments for being trans, I only mentioned it here to explain the blacked-out parts of the photo. I’m not here to debate anyone about being trans, I just wanted to share my store*

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