Weightloss Pictures

M/27/5’10” [216lbs > 167lbs = 48lbs] (38 months) new to the subreddit but love all the support and respect the community shares.

M/27/5’10” [216lbs > 167lbs = 48lbs] (38 months) new to the subreddit but love all the support and respect the community shares.

Just over 3 years ago I was 98kgs and severely mentally unwell when I decided it was time to work towards being a better version of myself. Battling depression, anxiety, undiagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed ASD meant that for the longest duration of my life I have never had the same sense of understanding as the people around me. This resulted in constant masking, self isolation and a huge identity crisis that left me in the dark pits of my mind. Realising there had to be a change I decided to start working out and progressing both mentally and physically, developing a mental health dependency on going to the gym. Since then I have cut my body weight right down to 70kgs so I could rebuild my foundation. Never letting myself get trapped or overwhelmed by setting expectations on my time in the gym. Taking every day I walked through the doors as a win. Now after all the hard work and dedication to improving, I am 76kgs and feeling not only healthier but so much more confident in my outward presentation. Don’t forget to enjoy the process and make sure you’re kind to yourself because every step, big or small, is progress. Gym has saved me from the darkness of my mind time and time again.

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