
What Are Skin Tags and Are They Dangerous?

After the experience of pregnancy, some women may discover a new patch of skin. This new phenomenon of loose, hanging skin is a skin tag. Often looking much like a mole but much larger. Skin tags are usually larger, sags more and, perhaps, droops. Generally, this natural occurrence is found on part of the body near or on the neck, eyelid or armpits.

Normally the color of surrounding skin but slightly darker. The typical wrinkly bit of the skin begins flat to the skin and will grow such that it droops or hangs from the surface of the skin. This prodigy of nature may appear as a small pinhole or large as a grape.

As the result of extra hormone production, skin tags are often on pregnant or recently pregnant persons.

Most skin tags occur in mid or later adulthood. They have been known to found on children as well.

Individuals discovering skin tags on their person should not expect them to remain forever.

The question arises can these blemishes be removed?

Healthy individuals can discover they have skin tags. In almost all instances, they are not cancerous and will become cancerous. Removal is generally not for health but vanity and self-esteem.

Usually found in areas subject to being irritated by rubbing clothing, including places such as the groin area, neck, armpits and even underneath female breasts. Clothing brushed against against a skin tag can and does irritate.

Without any help from a doctor who specializes in dermatology, these deformities will often fall off. Should a dermatologist be retained for removal, the effect will depend on the size and area of the tag. The proliferation of the skin tag may be removed by the several methods, namely cutting, freezing or burning.

  • Cutting requires either topical or injected anesthesia during the process.
  • Freezing is cryotherapy and involves liquid nitrogen.
  • Burning involves medical electric cauterization.

Dermatologists usually tend the removal but some times another professional may step in. A licensed dermatologist should be in attendance for the removal but in many instances, another practitioner may be required. For example, if the tag is near or on the eyelid, an ophthalmologist should perform the necessary removal.

Who makes the best candidate for removal?

Obviously, the answer should be anyone that is suffering. When the skin tag is gone, there would be less irritation and there will be a boost in self-esteem. Skin growth on obviously located on the body usually makes a person feel unattractive. Removal of an unsightly skin tag will lift personal confidence level.

In many instances, a person does not feel removal is necessary. Perhaps because the growth does not cause an irritation. Maybe it does not pervert or rub against clothing. Further, maybe it is not large enough to be noticed. Should this be the case, a person may not opt to remove.

Candidates looking into removal should be in good health, not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically. Anyone considering skin tag removal should be in very good health, emotionally and psychologically as well as physical. They should also have realistic expectations and explore all procedures.

What are the benefits of removal?

Imagine a bit of loose skin on your body, twisting and turning, cutting blood supply. Further, the loose skin is found somewhere that very often is aggravated by rubbing against clothing. Consider jewelry can sometimes snag or twist the skin tag. Benefits of removing the skin tag are the freedom of knowing you will have no more irritation or pain.

In may cases, vanity is the driving force behind this blemish removal. Many people that have obvious skin tags, particularly on the face, removal brings them to feel more attractive and socially acceptable. Actually, it may be much easier to look at oneself in the mirror. Frankly, much plastic surgery requested today is done for, simply, the sake of beauty.

What are the risks of removal?

As with any medical surgery, there are always certain risks. Scalpel or scissor removal requires the skin tag be taken immediately and there are some disadvantages. This procedure requires the general area of the tag be cut and will certainly need to be stitched. A medical routine will be necessary and would be best served by a professional. It should go without saying that the individual must follow proper aftercare guidelines to the letter for minimal risks of infections. Be aware that minor bleeding may follow.

Source by Dale R Smith

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